Klausen, Sower FDD25 Dispersers with hydraulic lifting columns, 3 mixers

Klausen, Sower FDD25 Dispersers with hydraulic lifting columns, 3 mixers

A$15,000 (AUD)

+ GST ex works

Location:Adelaide, South Australia

orCall (+61) 403 574 225


3 Mixer/Dispersers,

One is an FDD25 Disperser and Lifting Column with a 37kW motor and 600 litre Stainless steel mixer vessel.

The other 2, 15 and 4 kW all have hydraulic lift and can be used in a variety of industries, manuals included.

Previously used in the manufacture of paint.

Foshan Aeko Paint tinting system, 16 cannister

Stainless Steel mixing bowls

Make an offer for all or separate items.

Mixer/Dispersers can be used for mixing any liquids and solids


ManufacturerKlausen, Sower
ModelFDD25 Dispersers with hydraulic lifting columns, 3 mixers
Stock Number24594