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Location:Victoria, Australia


These machines were part of a line for processing shelled borlotti beans. The beans from the field bins were tipped into the TRIPAX hopper leading them on to a TRIPAX vibratory feeder via an inclined conveyor where the stalks and leaves etc were blown off, a filtration unit captured the fines and the leaves and stalks fell to the bottom chute.

A Protec DIXAIR Model 100 colour sorter was used to sort the beans, this has a one metre wide belt.

From the Protec website

"The sorter uses a high-speed and high-resolution system of linear cameras, that examines the product moving on the conveyor belt. The images are analysed on an electronic card designed by Protec, that uses the latest integration and speed technology to ensure maximum performance. Defects as small as 0.5 x 0.25mm in size are analysed in conjunction with a powerful image processing software. The sorter is also provided with a unique back-lighting device installed below the belt to illuminate the product and better show the defects."

The beans were weighed with an ILAPAK 10 head weigher and although no bagger comes with this set up, we have JASA and BOSCH baggers available.

The machines were installed in 2009 and have never been in production, only used for test purposes.


ManufacturerILAPAK, TRIPAX, and PROTEC
Stock Number24455